Wednesday, May 14, 2008


LOOK! A new post! =)

FAMILY. Is there anything more important? NOPE. I was cleaning off my hard drive and came across a picture of all my boys together that we took in December when we were in Jamaica . I am SO blessed to be a Mother; and to be a Mother to FIVE great boys. I can't imagine how anyone could go through life without the joy of having children, and truely feel bad for those that cannot have children, and pity for those that choose not to. Brian & Tyler have chose great girls for wives, and have given me the most beautiful grandkids. THIS is life. =)

My grandmother just passed away, and it makes you think about family. Not only my boys, and daughter-in-laws, and grandkids, but also my husband, my mom, my dad. And my sisters! (My sisters I got to all got together a couple of weeks ago; first time in AGES. It was soooo nice!). I am so thankful for the great family I have.

I'm going to try to be better about updating this thing (I know; I've said that before; but this life thing keeps getting in the way). I need to post more pictures (I've got lots!), talk about Ty & Bailie's wedding, my upcoming VACATION plans, and other things that make me happy. =) Until then.....


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